Napping - I Ain’t No Baby

Whether you are an adolescent, adult, or nicely-aged, napping is a great way to recharge your internal battery and gain energy, improve your mood, and get some much-needed mental clarity and focus.

We all seem to fill every waking minute of our days with activities and seem to be constantly scrambling to get everything done. We will make time for "a few minutes" on Facebook or Instagram but rarely schedule some much-needed downtime to heal the mind, body, and spirit. Why?

Many people feel that napping is a waste of time or just for kids. But, have you ever noticed when you don't get adequate sleep or are burning the midnight oil to finish a project, you get grumpy, lose concentration, or become emotionally exhausted? Might you even be prone to fits of rage or uncontrollable crying? It may be because our brain rarely has a chance to relax and recuperate. When we feel hangry (hungry=angry) and snapping at everyone around us, we grab a snack. However, we don't grab a nap when we throw temper tantrums. Instead, we may grab an energy drink or another cup of coffee, which sadly can make the issue worse.

Napping for 20 minutes a day helps reduce brain fatigue and increases performance and learning capabilities. A nap boosts alertness and mood regulation. But did you know your brain is also detoxing and getting rid of mental sludge when you are sleeping?

You may be aware that the body reduces its toxic overload from chemicals or other harmful substances in our urine, feces, mucous, and sweat. Well, our brain detoxes when we are sleeping. Research has shown that sleep can help with memory, increase neuropathways (how well and in what order your brain performs activities), and significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information processing and problem-solving. Napping can help keep your brain stay young by allowing it to clear out the unwanted baggage it has accumulated throughout the day and create new connections to perform smarter, not harder.

In addition, adequate sleep and napping will dramatically improve your immune system, decrease blood pressure, protect your heart, improve your sleep at night, and significantly reduce stress.

So before you spend time performing non-essential tasks (or tasks that just waste time and add no value to your day), stop and think. Will the next 20 minutes add life, vitality, energy, concentration and improve my health and mindset? If you answer no, consider swapping that task out for a much-needed siesta for your body and brain. Your body and those around you will thank you.

So before you spend time performing non-essential tasks (or tasks that just waste time and add no value to your day), stop and think is the next 20 minutes going to add life, vitality, energy, concentration, and improve my health and mindset? If you answer no, then consider swapping that task out for a much needed siesta for your body and brain and take a nap. Your body and those around you will thank you.


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